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Overcoming Fear and Nervousness: Public Speaking Classes for Adults

It is normal to feel scared or nervous before addressing the public directly. However, the issue arises when the anxiety takes over you to such an extent that you struggle to even be mentally present on the stage. In such cases, it is crucial to learn to deal with such feelings. 

While overcoming such intense episodes of anxiety may seem difficult, you can get over them by using the right techniques and practicing them for a decent amount of time. In this blog, we will take a look at the various reasons why we get nervous during public speaking and how public speaking classes can help you deal with the same. Let us begin!

Why Do We Get Nervous During Public Speaking? 

1. Lack Of Experience

While several factors can help you build confidence, experience happens to be one of the most important ones. Hence, if you lack a decent experience or expertise in your field, the idea of speaking in front of the public may make you nervous. 

2. Fear Of Judgment

No one likes to stand at the podium and be judged by a bunch of people. However, if you want to make an impact on your audience, you have to put yourself in a position that exposes you to such judgments. Similarly, you may also feel nervous while you are presenting in front of qualified judges who will be marking your abilities on their mark sheets.  

3. Difference In Status

If you are presenting in front of a highly-qualified audience, it is understandable to feel overwhelmed with emotions such as fear and nervousness. We usually believe that people who are more experienced and qualified than us know more than us in every field, and catch even the smallest of mistakes instantly. This can make people nervous, and hence, make them fall into the pond of stage fright.

4. New Ideas

If you are presenting a new set of ideas to your audience, you may feel more nervous than usual. This is generally because when people have warmed up to a certain opinion or a report, they accept it more easily. However, if you want to present something that urges the public to think differently, you may feel scared that the audience won’t agree with you. 

How Do Public Speaking Classes Help Adults Overcome Nervousness? 

1. Teaching Relevant Public Speaking Techniques

While you should focus on preparing your speech and researching extensively, having a few tricks up your sleeve can be a good way of ensuring that you do not panic on stage. By enrolling in good public speaking classes, you can learn and practice such techniques that will ultimately help you become a better speaker. 

For instance, the experts at several public speaking classes teach their students how to prepare proper material, how to face the audience and answer their doubts, and how to present themselves on stage. This knowledge can help you boost your confidence, which will help eradicate fear and nervousness. 

2. Challenging The Negative Self Talk

One of the major reasons why people get nervous on stage right before they speak is negative self-talk. If you keep reaffirming to yourself that you might forget the lines in the middle of your speech, most likely you will. 

The professionals of public speaking classes help their students understand the various personal reasons why they might be indulging in the act of negative self-talk. Then, they can suggest the relevant tricks to switch to positive self-talk, through which you can make yourself believe that you are capable of learning from each experience and subsequently, performing well. 

3. Providing An Environment To Learn

One of the biggest pros of getting enrolled in public speaking classes is that you get to be present in an environment where you will be encouraged to learn. While real-life experiences are a good way to learn as well, you may feel nervous facing a real audience immediately. 

In such cases, facing a mock audience in a room where you are assured that you would not be judged helps a lot. You can feel free to make mistakes and then learn from them. Since you will be surrounded by other individuals who are there to learn as well, you can learn from their experiences as well. 

Factors To Keep In Mind While Selecting Public Speaking Classes For Adults

1. Quality Of Content

One of the first things that you should consider while selecting public speaking classes for adults is the quality of content that they provide. You can do that through several methods such as taking a demo class. The whole idea is to get a clue about what to expect in the classes, how the teachers interact, and whether the quality of content matches your needs and expectations.  

2. Delivery Method

Another important factor to consider before enrolling in public speaking classes is their delivery method. According to your availability and preferences, you might be interested in taking either live or interactive classes. Or, you may want to opt for self-paced programs that you can access from your home whenever you are free. Make sure to be clear about what you want, and then look for classes that cater to your needs.

3. Reviews

Once you are clear with your needs and requirements, it is a good idea to start narrowing down to the public speaking classes that seem the most ideal to you. A good way to do that is to check their reviews posted online. You can use search engines like Google to access what the previous students of such classes have to say about their experience, and then choose the one that seems the best out of the lot to you. 


Public speaking is not just beneficial for people who address live audiences, but also for individuals who interact with large groups of professionals frequently. Even the most confident speakers sometimes face issues like fear and nervousness during their speeches, which is why it is nothing to be ashamed of. 

If you are struggling with such issues and want to fix them as soon as possible, you should consider checking out Orator Academy. This platform provides high-quality content to help deal with all kinds of public speaking issues, so visit their website and enroll there today!

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