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The 3 biggest fears people have when it comes to public speaking- and how to overcome them

The 3 Biggest Fears People Have When it Comes to Public Speaking- and How to Overcome Them

The amygdala, a portion of the brain that interprets threats and initiates defensive actions, shifts into high gear when confronted with harsh reality and fear. When our “fight-or-flight” reaction is activated, experiencing anxiety and tension is inevitable. What does this have to do with the fear of delivering a speech in front of a group? Certainly, a lot.

Generally among humans, the inability to speak in front of a group is a common phenomenon. We view public discourse as an attack. While conducting speeches, an individual’s body language frequently reveals how they feel with general symptoms such as shortness of breath, redness of the face, shaking, etc.

When we are required to speak in front of a group and all eyes are on us, we feel like cavemen with nothing to hide. When our brain receives a signal that we are about to be assaulted, we immediately enter a state of defence. We erect barriers between ourselves and the audience to defend against the assault.

How do these barriers manifest in reality? All of our attention is focused on the upcoming presentations. Even the most engaging speakers are capable of losing their audience. This is simply how we are. The good news is that humanity provides an escape route. The easiest method to calm the brain and deactivate our natural panic button is to stop thinking about ourselves and begin considering how we might assist others.

Scientists discovered that as an individual’s wealth increases, their amygdalas become less active. Assisting others stimulates the vagus nerve, which might reduce the body’s “fight or flight” response. When we assist others, we experience relief and a sense of calmness is achieved. The same holds for public speaking as attested by many students in public speaking classes. The more we give in conversation, the less we feel attacked and the less fearful we are.

Types of Fear in Public Speaking

Even if we’re good in front of a crowd or have never used a microphone, we all have at least one thing that causes anxiety. The first and most crucial step in overcoming any form of fear is to acknowledge that you have one. After acknowledging this truth, you must take the necessary actions. There are a few most prevalent types of fear that are associated with stage fright. They are:

  • Fear Of Not Performing Adequately Or Failing

Because of our fear of making a mistake, we may not accomplish anything at all. But if we let fear stop us from taking advantage of these opportunities, we might miss out on some very important career-defining chances. The fear can become severe that we give up, or we may unintentionally do something harmful to ourselves to avert a greater loss in the future. 

  • Anxiety Over Failing And Being Ridiculed In Public

People who are unfamiliar with the competition or have had little success in the past may find it difficult to compete. Most of the time, it seems like a competitor’s fear of success is the same as a perfectionist’s fear of failing.

We may learn a great deal from athletes, especially those who work or plan to work as orators. Athletes frequently desire that nothing negative occurs during or after a competition. These professionals frequently worry about the consequences of poor performance. Athletes fear disappointing their coaches and teammates. They fear that they will fall short of their parent’s expectations. They worry excessively about numerous matters, the majority of which are beyond their control. With all of this stress, they still manage to come through stronger than ever and deliver their best performances.

It is essential to recognize that making errors is a normal part of being human. However, making blunders on stage is a cause of public embarrassment. If you were concerned about being humiliated, you would feel worse about yourself. If you believe that others consider you an idiot, a simpleton, or unimportant, you may experience embarrassment. In other words, being embarrassed is equivalent to being rejected.

  • The Triple Fear: Fear of Others, Fear of Not Being Able, and Fear of Oneself

Frequently, we refer to this as “social anxiety.” It is the anxiety you have when you are around others and in situations where your behaviour could be judged or criticized.

You may have “fear of people” issues if you appear confident when you’re alone but freeze up in social situations. Do you ever feel like your efforts are futile? Have you ever asked yourself, “As an individual, what can I do?” This is the dread of doing something pointless, and a specialist or therapist or anyone who has conquered their fear of oration through public speaking classes would tell you that public speaking can help you accomplish a great deal if you have got great support from a personality developer or personality developing academies.

A typical form of self-fear is an illogical and excessive fear of oneself. Fear of “putting oneself out there” is the most significant obstacle. As with the other issues we’ve discussed, this can be simply resolved as well.

How To Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking?

There is no doubt that the concerned task is challenging. The thoughts coming from the brain of those who are the most stressed in their personal and professional lives often warn them that “now is not the time to give” and “there must be a swift exit!” It is difficult to overcome anxiety and learn to speak kindly, but it is not impossible. These are the initial three actions:

  • Consider your audience as you plan.

When preparing for a presentation, we all commit the error of beginning with the topic. The more particular we are, the more we are sucked in, making it more difficult to let down our guard and connect with others. Instead, concentrate on the target audience.

Before proceeding, you must acknowledge and consider the people present in the room. But why are they there in the first place? Why don’t they do it? Explain everything to them in detail. Create a message that addresses the audience’s stated and implicit concerns.

  • Before speaking, take time to consider what you wish to say.

You feel the most anxious shortly before you have to speak. You suddenly believe, “Everyone is judging me.” What will happen if I make a mistake? Now is an excellent time to alter your way of thinking. Remember that the individuals with whom you are conversing depend on you as they feed off your energy.

Do not hang your head low. Communicate to your mind, “This arrangement is not about me. All of this is intended to aid my listeners.” After a couple of slides, your brain will begin to relax as you feel more comfortable with the surroundings around you.

  • It is essential to make and maintain eye contact when speaking with someone.

People frequently commit the error of attempting to communicate with a large group at once. We do not observe other people as we search the room for something. Everyone in the room is staring at you. Therefore, the best way to engage an audience is to engage in one-on-one dialogue with each individual. How? concentrating on only one subject at a time.


If you focus on one person at a time, everyone in the room will believe you are speaking directly to them, this is one of the many essential pointers that a candidate is taught in professional public speaking classes such as Orator Academy. Get in touch with the expert team at Orator Academy to effectively address and overcome these fears.

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