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How to Tell a Story that Sells: The Power of Business Storytelling


You’ve got a great product, and you know it. You’re worried that people don’t understand how special your product is, how much better it is than the other company’s product. But here’s the thing: You need to sell your product to make money—and selling well means telling stories that connect with customers emotionally. So how do you do that?

In this blog post, we’ll show you the power of business storytelling and give you some tips for crafting your own brand story.

Business storytelling is the secret ingredient to selling your product

Business storytelling is the secret ingredient to selling your product. It’s not just about telling a good story; it’s about creating an experience that will make someone take action and buy what you have to offer.

In this article, we’ll be talking about how to tell a story that sells your product by:

  • Hooking people with an attention-grabbing introduction
  • Make sure they remember your story when they leave
  • Making them care enough about what you have to say so they want more information or ask questions

We will also tell you how opting for a good business storytelling course will help you create your own business story and reach out to the masses.

Stories come with their own vocabulary.

When it comes to storytelling, there are certain words that you will hear repeatedly. These are the building blocks of your business story:

  • Protagonist – 

Protagonist is the main character in a story. The hero or heroine (or antihero) faces challenges and rises above them to achieve their goals. This person has a motivating factor for doing what they do (e.g., love, revenge), but also have flaws that make them human—and therefore relatable!

  • Antagonist – 

Antagonist is an opposing force or character who opposes the protagonist’s goal(s). In business terms, this can mean competition from within your industry or from outside competitors looking to take market share away from you by offering similar products at lower prices than yours does. However, it doesn’t necessarily have to be someone else entirely. Sometimes internal problems within an organization can be just as compelling!

Brands that don’t tell stories are like humans without memories.

Your brand story should reflect who you are and what you stand for. It’s an opportunity to share your values, beliefs, and mission with the world. If your company sells products that benefit humanity in some way—like organic food or sustainable fashion—you can use storytelling as an opportunity to show off this aspect of your business.

It may seem hard at first because telling stories often requires us to sell ourselves or our products (and that is not always easy), but luckily there are ways we can make them compelling without being pushy or manipulative.

Opting for a professional business storytelling course will help you understand the following concepts in detail:

  • Do not try too hard: 

Your objective is simply to get people interested enough in what you have to say so they’ll come back again later when they’re ready for more information about the said topic(s). And remember, nobody likes being sold! If someone has already made up their mind about something before hearing what another person has had to say on behalf of another company, then there’s no point discussing anything else.

  • Be helpful: 

Telling stories about your business can be a great way to show off what you’re all about. You don’t have to be pushy or manipulative. Instead, focus on being helpful. What do your products and services mean to people? How does it benefit them? And how does this relate back to your brand’s mission? Don’t just sell stuff—sell solutions!

Storytelling is about making connections.

Storytelling is all about connecting with your audience. It’s not enough to simply tell a story; you need to make sure that your audience connects with it, too. The best way to do this is by using storytelling as a vehicle for making connections between yourself and your customers.

You can do this by sharing stories that relate to them or their lives—stories that are relevant and relatable but also have something valuable for them. You’ll be able to connect with people through shared experiences. When they hear about how someone else’s life has been affected by something similar, they’ll feel more connected because they can relate—and this will help build trust between you two!

Be authentic and real. Tell stories that matter to you, and your customers will believe it, too.

As a marketer, you have the power to create stories that will sell. But how? By being authentic and real!

First off, tell stories that matter to you and will make your customers believe them too. The best way to do this is by sharing relevant information about your brand, product or service in a manner that helps people clearly understand why they should buy what you’re selling. This can be done through storytelling as well as other forms of communication such as customer testimonials or employee perspectives on their experiences at work or life outside work hours.

Second, be genuine! Your story must reflect who YOU are at heart without any embellishments.

Keep it simple and precise. 

  • Be specific: 

Don’t try to tell a story that covers too much ground. Just stick with one idea and make it as clear as possible. In other words, don’t make up details or add unnecessary complexity just because you can think of them. Instead, focus on making your point clear in the first sentence or two of your story (and then let the rest unfold naturally).

  • Repeat yourself:

It’s okay if you use some of the same words over and over again in different parts of your speech or presentation. This will help reinforce what you’re saying and make sure everyone gets it loud and clear! But try not to go overboard by repeating every word throughout each section/paragraph.

Your brand story needs an emotional hook.

Emotion is the most powerful motivator, and it’s what makes your story memorable. You want to create a polarizing moment that will make people care about what you’re saying and want to share it with their friends, family members and colleagues.

A great way to do this is by using contrast in your story. Something that contrasts with or challenges the main message of your brand’s mission statement! A good example of this would be McDonalds’ “I’m Lovin’ It” campaign which used bold colours like red or yellow against black backgrounds combined with happy faces smiling brightly at us from every product packaging imaginable—including ice cream cones!

There’s a right way to tell a story that sells your product, and brands should do it well!

Storytelling is an important skill to have in business. It can help you tell your story, which will, in turn, make you more memorable to your existing and potential customers.

You need to be able to tell a good story if you want people who don’t know much about what you do or how it works yet still trust that they’ll like it once they try it out for themselves. Stories are also great tools for remembering things like recipes, phone numbers and other important information—and there’s no better way to remember than through storytelling!

If you want someone else’s attention before they even get started reading this article, then start by telling them the first thing they should know: Stories change lives! They’re one of many ways writers’ help people get through tough times—but most importantly: Stories help us remember things better than anything else ever could!


Finally, business storytelling is not just about storytelling. It’s also about the way you present your brand and product. Orator Academy can help you learn the right way to tell a business story that will sell. Their business storytelling course teaches you that by using clear and concise language in your marketing materials, or by writing compelling blog posts that resonate with customers, or even by creating a branded character that represents you, you’ll be able to connect with them on an emotional level that will make them want to buy what you’re selling. This is how successful brands do it! We hope this blog has given you some ideas on how best to tell stories that sell.

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