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How to communicate effectively with children?

Communication is a life skill developed over the years. In order to excel in the art of communication, we must be set to the routine right from a younger age.

A child from the age of 4-11 is in his/her formative years, and around this time, they are super observant. They observe and absorb all that takes place in their surroundings. It thus becomes necessary to expose a child only to the good, expelling all the bad. A similar thing applies when it comes to developing a child’s communication skills.

Good communication skills are key to a person’s personality. A lot can be said about a person by the way they talk and listen. Communication is of 2 types: Verbal and nonverbal.

While any action is bidirectional, communication, too, is received as it is offered. Children pick up your candid habits and manners. Thus, it is extremely important to be mindful of the way you talk and act in front of them. Also, understanding a child isn’t an easy task. While they lack proficiency in languages, they are clueless as to how they must express themselves.

Thus, we bring some tips for you to follow in front of children that will help you communicate with children more effectively and efficiently.

Tip 1: Let them know that you are listening. 

Listening is very important for communication to be active and fruitful. Listen and let the kid know that you are listening. Simple gestures like smiling and nodding in affirmation can show that you are interested in the conversation.

Be sure to ask questions in order to let them know that you are inquisitive and willing to know more. Maintain eye contact and be sure to make them feel safe.

Tip 2: Repeat what they say

Repeating statements as they were said is a clear indication of listening and being interested in the conversation. Repeat what your child says and ask questions related to it. This way, your child will answer honestly, reflecting their true emotions.

Tip 3: Acknowledge their feelings

Know the fact that your child can feel every trivial moment and action. Communicate with children and acknowledge their feelings. Don’t overburden them, and try to impart a sense of belongingness. This way, they will feel important and mature.

Help your child develop their Emotional Quotient. Make them aware of various feelings and encourage them to be more expressive. Help them understand the difference between negative and positive emotions and validate them.

Only when a child is trained to feel, only then will he/she will be able to express themselves through communication.

Tip 4: Speak clearly

While you are around your child, try to speak as clearly as possible. Pronunciations are very important. Express your feeling in simple sentence structures and let them listen in order to process the use of words and grammar.

Avoid cursing and swearing in front of children at any cost. Be sure to make the child feel respected and loved while you speak to them. Also, as a parent, you must communicate with children as often as possible. The more they listen, the more they will end up learning.

Tip 5: Apply fun methods of learning. 

Communication can be taught through some exciting methods. Play games, solve puzzles, and read and crack jokes together to learn new words and interesting stories.

This will build confidence in the child, and they will be able to read and speak confidently.

Tip 6: Understand them and try to solve their problems together. 

In case of some mischief, it isn’t advisable to mock your child or shame them. Be the mature one and try to solve their problems together. Advise them and help them build self-confidence.

In case of pronunciation and grammar mistakes, try to guide them and help them resolve the problem.

While you assist them in solving problems, communicate with children and encourage them to think and proactively find a solution to their problems. This will motivate them further, helping build a degree of self-esteem in them.

Tip 7: Lead by example while you try to fit into their shoes. 

As an amateur, you, too, would like to be guided and acknowledged for your small accomplishments. In the case of your kids, try to do just that. Fit into their shoes and then reimagine the kind of obstacles they must be facing.

Lead by example. Children learn through observation, and if you end up showcasing your unkind side, they, too, will end up copying you. Be empathetic, understand them and guide them to the right path.

Acknowledge their small accomplishment, like the use of new words and well-structured sentences, etc., to boost their confidence.

In order to communicate with children, it is not only necessary to use words, but nonverbal communication too plays an important role. Your actions and gestures will be judged and picked up by the kids.

The Bottom Line 

To gain further insight into the topic, be sure to visit Orator Academy. We train kids to communicate effectively and also guide parents and other elders to help them teach their kids the art of communication. Visit our website today.

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