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How to Make a Great First Impression in an Interview

Interviews, in recent times, have become the one standing factor based on which an individual’s overall personality is inferred and categorized. A profound interviewer encompasses the ability to correctly analyze the interviewee’s capabilities and character based on their initial few statements. Thus, preparing for an interview needs to be strategic and well-planned. 

Interviews disguise the true nature of an elimination system in the face of selection. With the increasing number of global competitions and diversified desirable qualities that various candidates possess, interviews along with aptitude tests have become standardized to filter out the correct professional for the positions in question. Because of such reasons, kids from their early kindergarten days are involved in group discussions and interview sessions. They’re inculcated with a sense of competitiveness and prime candidacy through the mediation of such processes. Therefore, having professional interview skills training is the need of the hour.

Having established the imperative importance of the activity of Interviews, we should now focus on how you can make a good first impression. Mentioned below are a few important job interviewing skills that, if implemented, can work wonders and lead to favourable results.

  1. Body Language: 

The content of your speech is not the only fragment the interviewer looks forward to when conducting an interview. One of the most interestingly important factors we often miss is body language. No matter how beautifully you introduce yourself and describe your persona, no matter how big of an academic and social achiever you are, if your body language shows low confidence, then the interviewer will not be interested in your speech. Some pointers that reflect negative body language are:

  • Lack of eye contact with the panelist
  • Constantly looking down
  • Fidgeting with objects in proximity like a folder, pen, or the worn cloths
  • The restless movement of the legs or feet
  • Visible shivering
  • Inconsistent speech, and many more
  1. Reflect Professionalism: 

One of the first things that catch the eye of the interviewer is how professionally you are dressed. Indeed, your personality is not a subset of your apparel choice, and your clothing does not define you. However, a basic dress code must be followed before entering the interview room. Making an entry in sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt communicates a casual and happy-go-lucky approach that most interviewers feel aversive of. It is essential to reflect that you can prove to be a sophisticated visual representation of the company. Thus, having a tidy appearance works as brownie points. 

  1. Active listening: 

An indispensable skill for a job interview is that of active listening. What impresses an interviewer the most is when the candidate asks meaningful questions about the job prospects and related fields. This is only possible by thorough research and actively listening to the information imparted by the interviewer during the interview. A simple acknowledgment via a smile or a nod makes the interviewer gauge your interest and engagement, thereby considering you a serious finalist in the interview session. 

  1. Positive and Authentic: 

Everyone loves a positive and authentic person. Both these qualities have various advantages. Being positive leads to the divergence of positive energy in and around your surroundings, enabling people to have happy thoughts and hopes and work cheerfully towards attaining their goals. Being real is a confirmation of your loyalty and honesty. Interviewers are not fans of candidates who pose to be on the same page with them just to get the desired job. As abled panelists, they have the tendency to appreciate the diversified point of view and respect the fact that one is eligible to have those. However, being honest and authentic does not account for you to badmouth your former boss, working environment, or co-workers, as it may leave a negative remark on your side. 

  1. Punctuality: 

An underestimated job training skill is punctuality. However, your job interview, probably the most important event of your life, is not where you want to pull this stunt. Promptitude is a category separately marked by various interviewers. Sometimes half the battle is won by being on time. Thus, punctuality is a core requirement for job interviews. 

  1. Think: 

In most situation-based questions, people tend to answer in a hurried fashion without giving it much thought as they feel that their alertness will impress the interviewers, often resulting in the degrading quality of their speech and its content. But this is not always the case. After all, the interviewers acknowledge the fact that you, too, are humans who might need a minute to come up with a creative solution. Thus, do not shy away from asking for that one minute of effectively utilized time. 

A substantial amount of this interview skill training may be subjective and vary from person to person. In that case, one should always look for more options and explore the various possibilities, tricks, and skills that will enable you to ace your interviews with flying colors. Orator Academy understands the importance of such soft skills alongside your professional skills and helps you to master them with ease and elegance.

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