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5 interviewing tips that will help you get the job

5 interviewing tips that will help you get the job

Interviews can be exhausting after a few attempts. It will dishearten you the more rejections you face. But how can you make sure that you get the job? With the right interview skill training, you can be sure of securing a job in this competitive market.

Many consider interviews a source of fear and despair. People feel less confident when sitting in front of an interview board. The reason for such behavior is the lack of practice and training. To ensure that you do well in all selection processes, you must be prepared to face any obstacles. Every aspect can make a difference in the interview’s outcome, from how you dress to how you exit the room.

Here are five tips anyone can use to do better in an interview to increase their chances of getting hired.

Awareness can get you a long way. If you are appearing for an interview with a company specializing in textiles, do some research on what kind of product they sell. If it is in your capacity, buy the product, use it, and find the plus points. Figure out why it is the best among its contemporaries. Also, look into the history of the company and understand how it was built. It will give you new perspectives on their vision and mission. Know the company goals to answer questions about prospects better.

If you are applying for a technical position with the company, make sure to find out the different techniques and technologies used by the company in making their product. For a textile company, where they acquire their fabric from, where it is processed, what machinery they use, etc., are important details to keep in mind.

Knowing about the mission and values can help you include similar points in your answers so that the interviewer feels that your energy matches the company. These are significant points an interview board looks for. Knowing the panel members also helps show that you are fully aware of the company and its members. Addressing the members individually and asking questions that are specific to their roles is possible only when you know the members. Leave an impression through thorough background checks to add flair to your questions.

Even though most candidates skip the common questions, it is of significance that you answer them well. These are simple questions with different depths to them that applicants can use to their advantage. How well you wield the questions directly reflects your verbal skills. If a company prioritizes communication and the ability to express oneself, answering even common questions is of paramount importance.

Some common questions asked in interviews are: 

  • Why should you be hired for this role?
  • Why do you want to work for this company?
  • How would you describe yourself in 3 sentences?
  • What is your greatest strength?
  • Tell me about yourself.
  • What experiences did you get from your last job?
  • Describe a situation where you displayed leadership.
  • Do you work well under pressure?
  • How accurate are you with deadlines?
  • Are you open to working in different locations?

Answering these questions needs special skills that can be achieved through an interview skill training course. The eagerness to answer and sentence formation plays a key role in these situations. So, always prepare answers to these questions while you ready yourself for an interview.

Answering questions about yourself and your plans for the future should be considered a way of pitching yourself to the interview board. Brand yourself as a good fit for the company. Impress them in the best way you can with only relevant details. Do not talk too fast or for too long.

Preparing these questions can also help you answer more confidently. When you get an unexpected question, your answers may falter. But if you have prepared for it and know what to say, there is no need to worry about any questions.

  • STAR method to answer questions

Answering an interview question perfectly takes skill and practice. This is why you need to be particular about the formation and details to be included.

The star method is the way of answering a question by giving 5 relevant details.

  • Situation: The S of the STAR denotes the situation. It means that when you answer a question, always describe the situation or the challenge you had to overcome. Explaining the situation helps an interviewer understand why it was important and how severe the challenge was. It is crucial for the assessment of the candidate.
  • Task: Every situation has several roles. The Task portion of your answer must describe how you fit into the situation. It explains the role you played in the challenge.
  • Action: As the name suggests, the action part is to explain what steps were undertaken by the candidate to overcome the situation. When a hard situation comes up, the measure adopted to simplify it is of great importance for an interviewer to understand the applicant’s problem-solving pattern.
  • Result: The final part of the answer should mention the outcome of the action. It should explain the results that you were able to achieve by overcoming the challenge through calculated measures.
  • Question the interviewer

Every interview concludes with the interview panel asking the applicant questions for them. Instead of saying no, prepare some questions beforehand. Some examples of questions to ask are:

  • What are the challenges of the role?
  • What are the other qualities you expect in a prospective candidate?
  • Are there frequent collaborations with other departments?
  • What would the daily responsibilities of the position be?

These questions are mainly about the job, which can make the panel feel you are interested in knowing more. After all, who can say no to a curious mind?

  • Practice beforehand 

A problem faced by the maximum number of candidates with respect to a job position is that even when they have prepared every answer, speaking in front of an interview board makes them nervous. How would you tackle this? Practice is the most effective way of getting rid of unnecessary fear.

Practice your answers in front of a mirror. Or you can call someone you trust to speak in front of them. If such situations are not favourable for you, an interview skill training course will give you the required practice to perfect your answers and avoid fear. If you have enough rehearsals in front of a professional trainer, you will get the confidence to speak before an interview board too.

Orator Academy assists individuals with interview skill training courses carried out by professionals so that a candidate does their best in an interview. They give you enough practice to perfect yourself in every dimension of an interview to boost your selection possibilities.

Undergo training to polish your skills so that you have an edge in getting hired. Book your slot in the training course early to not miss out on the amazing experience to train with experts.

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