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How to Speak So That People Will Listen?

According to sound expert and consultant Julian Treasure, one of the most potent instruments in the world is the human voice. But it’s not always simple to be heard. This generation lacks the skills necessary to be effective listeners. In the constant barrage of data, news, reels, tweets, and virals, we struggle to stay afloat. It’s difficult to tell what is worth listening to. It might be challenging to gain a committed audience in this noisy world. 

Some of us are naturally excellent speakers, while others may still be working on their communication abilities. We struggle with words, whether in a meeting, presentation, or regular discussion. Despite having tons of ideas, we fail to communicate much too often. When we speak, we believe that our peers, colleagues, and occasionally friends will pay attention to us. 

For those who are having trouble, we can always overcome our obstacles. We can work to acquire it if we don’t already have it. Here, I’ll outline a few speaking strategies to help you get people to pay attention. You can also enroll in an interpersonal communication class to learn the intricate details of communication.

  1. Avoid the seven sins of speaking 

According to Treasure, we are all to blame for engaging in at least one of the seven sins: dogmatism, complaining, accusing, exaggerating, judging, being negative, and gossiping. Any of these indications you use when speaking, it will turn people away. People who constantly commit these sins are not taken seriously by the audience since they represent their attitude about life and other people. 

If you want to be an excellent speaker, stay away from all of them in your speeches. Remove the seven combined sins from both your speech and your thinking.

  1. Be authentic

We all have heroes or role models that we admire. We strive to adopt their mannerisms, tone, or attitude. It’s okay to be inspired by others, but we shouldn’t let such imitation trample over our true selves. The audience is drawn in when a speaker draws on personal experience, admits mistakes, and is forthright about their shortcomings. 

Authenticity will always be noticeable in a crowded room of people. So always strive to be authentic during conversations rather than hiding or putting on a polished act. People may be more able to relate to you if you are open and honest.

Finding your true self is another component of a personality development skill session.

  1. Watch out for the volume of your instrument

The audience can be attracted to or turned off by the volume of the human instrument or voice. For example, a loud voice gives the impression that you are unpleasant, bossy, or uncourteous. On the other hand, your audience may be affected by how loud or soft you speak. 

Conversely, it conveys the sense that you are insecure or bashful if your voice is too low for the audience and occasionally even unheard. So be mindful of your voice. With practice, you can get better. You might benefit from voice training by taking an interpersonal communication class.

  1. Integrity 

Your words and actions should be in sync. What makes me say integrity? Always harmonize your words and actions. Never advocate for a cause that you don’t support or believe in. By doing this, you damage your reputation. So many well-known people were disgraced during the global #MeToo Movement because their words and deeds didn’t line up. 

They exhibited a public character inconsistent with their internal behaviors and choices. One value that we all cherish and aspire to is integrity. Thus, always honor your commitments.

  1. Be a good listener

When each participant has an opportunity to speak, and the other participants pay attention to them, great dialogues, discussions, or ideas emerge. You should act the same way if you want others to notice you. Be patient in listening to your audience during presentations, meetings, and even casual conversations. Don’t stop them mid-sentence or interrupt them.

If you’re not following what they’re saying, ask them a question to demonstrate that you’re paying attention. Again, eye contact is a crucial component. Making eye contact with someone fosters intimacy and trust and demonstrates your interest in and attention to them. Once they’re done, respond or offer your opinion. As a result, the dialogue will develop new strands, and your audience will eagerly await your contributions. 

Recognize that although you desire to be heard, so does the other person. Both parties are involved. This fundamental lesson will be taught at the beginning of the personality development class

  1. Speed and pauses

Slow down before presenting your line of thinking to anyone nearby. If you speak quickly, you’ll notice that your audience loses interest about halfway through. This may occur for one of two reasons: either they cannot keep up with you, or they cannot comprehend and follow what you are saying. 

Taking pauses and emphasizing things clearly will assist them in better understanding what you’re saying. Although you may already have an idea, give others time to hear it. Do not rush. 

  1. Working on emotional quotient

Yes, you need to be able to manage your emotions. You might occasionally become irate, upset, or completely disagree with your audience. But you should never flinch or display any symptoms of it. Any challenging or unpleasant situation can be conquered by people who learn to control their emotions. 

Life will present you with obstacles, difficulties, and setbacks, but your speech should always be crafted in the calmest possible way. Recognize other people’s emotions and viewpoints. This will make it easier for you to accept others’ opinions. Even if you disagree with your peers while still acknowledging them, they will listen to you.


The ability to wield the strong tool that humans possess is difficult enough. To improve as a speaker, you must persevere. Your speech can have a significant impact on your contacts, relationships, and even your profession. It is a medium that reflects our identities and the ideals we wish to spread. We can also enroll in an interpersonal communication class to improve our speech

It’s acceptable to have communication skills issues, but it’s not acceptable to do nothing about them. To bring about change, it’s critical to speak up.

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