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How To Communicate Better in The Workplace?

Communication is the key to success, and when you are in a workplace, then its importance is multiplied. To get the job done in a workplace setting, everyone must work in harmony, unison, and most importantly, in coordination. The organization’s common goal is only achieved through the employees’ collective effort.

To bring everyone on the same page, having communication skills is a must. However, communication is not just about speaking what you have in mind. There are several other factors that can alter the content of the message. Even if you have a different intention for speaking the words you speak, the receiver of the message may interpret your message differently. In addition, you need to give importance to the context or the setting where the interaction is happening. 

All these variables play a huge role in effective communication. All communication classes put a lot of emphasis on these variables. This article will not cover all these factors in detail; however, we will show a glimpse of what is being taught in these classes. 

  • Focus on the tone

The manner an employee communicates with their coworker is termed as a workplace communicational tone. Most of the time, the delivery of the words you speak is just as crucial as the message’s contents. You could alter your tone based on to whom you are speaking and also the circumstances you are in.

You can communicate with your supervisor in a kind and enthusiastic and optimistic manner. You would probably speak more assertively and formally to provide expertise or data and facts. 

  • Hone the art of listening 

In the workplace, listening skills are crucial and sometimes more important than speaking. Listening to others’ ideas rather than only attempting to share your own is a crucial component of working collaboratively with others.

Listening to respond and comprehend what the speaker is saying are the two most prevalent kinds of listening. In the former kind, you aren’t listening to what the speaker is talking about; rather, you are thinking about what you will reply to next. In this type of listening, you risk overlooking important details or even reiterating what the speaker just said.

Alternatively, make an effort to try “listening to comprehend,” which means paying attention to what a speaker is saying without formulating a response. If you have anything to say, note it somewhere so you can refocus on listening to comprehend.

  • Focus on your body language 

It is a universal fact that we conceive more from our visual senses than any other senses. More than our hearing, we rely on our sight to get information. According to a study on how emotions are communicated, words only represent 7% of a feeling, whereas verbal tone accounts for 38%. Our body language and mannerism subconsciously deliver the other 55% of emotion. 

In a professional situation, some types of body language are unacceptable and must be avoided at all costs. In various situations, many employees unintentionally give the wrong message through their body language. Also, in some cultures, some gestures are considered indecent and unprofessional. 

For instance, crossing arms in the country Finland is perceived as you are showing arrogance. In the USA, people cross their index and middle fingers for luck, but if they go to Vietnam, the same gesture is a disrespectful sign. Such body language, mannerisms, and gestures must be avoided, especially when you are moving abroad for work. Thus, you should join workshops or communication classes, to work on your habits. 

  • Prefer in-person communication over other channels of communication

Face-to-face communication is undoubtedly the best method of preventing misunderstandings and human errors. If you want to break bad news, in-person communication is especially crucial. 

It might be challenging to convey tone in text because you cannot send an emoji in an email as it is unprofessional. So, it would be great if your subordinates or coworkers could look at your expressions and mannerisms. For distant groups, video calls may be tiring, or the team not only have to prepare themselves but also make their surroundings presentable.

  • Remain factual and avoid fiction.

The method advocated by the founder of “the Conscious leader group”, Diana Chappman, known as – “facts vs. tales.” The “facts” refers to the things that actually occurred and on which everyone could testify. On the flip side, “fiction” is how you choose to see the circumstance.

The thumb rule is that you only use facts, the use of “tales” is a big no. This is because if you deviate from the actual truth and try to manipulate things, and if your colleagues found out about this, then it can create a negative image. It will also tarnish your credibility in the future.

Key takeaway points

Mistakes happen, but what is more important is that you sum up the courage to work on them. There are several communication classes that help you deal with communication in a workplace setting. And the best course out there is offered by Orator Academy. 

Check out their official website to learn more about how to contact them and to learn about the many courses and offers available.

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