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Five interviewing strategies to land the job

An interview setting is extremely stressful with or without preparation. This is perhaps because you’re constantly being badgered and questioned about your experience and qualifications. Moreover, your intelligence and your smartness are being put to the test for several hours straight.

Any employer will be looking for an employee who is confident in their abilities and can sell themselves well. They want not only someone who is well versed in their subject’s theoretical and practical knowledge but also somebody who is confident, empathetic and stands to be an asset to their company.

It is not only the fact that candidates are constantly grilled with confusing questions, but it is also the fact that high stakes accompany an interview. Most candidates can not afford to mess up their interviews, and this knowledge strips them of their confidence in an interview setting.

Therefore, interviewees constantly hunt for tips and tricks to help them have a successful interview. However, although there is no set guide to impressing an interviewer since every employer will be different in the requirements for their employees, there are certain rules that must be followed in every interview. Adequate interview skill training is one way to understand these rules.

These rules must also be taken with a grain of salt, however universally applicable they might be. This is because there is no cheat sheet for having a successful interview. Nevertheless, let us discuss some rules of thumb that will help you land your dream job.


Although punctuality is always a good idea, it is even better to be earlier than expected when it comes to an interview. This way, you will not have to rush to get a cab or find the floor you are supposed to be on for the interview.

Also, if you arrive early, you will have more time to battle the nerves and anxiety you will undoubtedly face on the interview day. You will also have more time to collect and ensure you are in the best possible state of mind to give an important interview.

Therefore, to avoid additional stress before the big day, it is a good idea to be ahead of time, finish all such formalities, do some last-minute interview preparation, and recall what you learned during your interview skill training. Moreover, you may even get the chance to meet people who have already done the interview or current employees who can help you understand what the interviewers will be expecting from you during the interview.


This is a crucial step to perform before going for your interview. When you think about research, you probably think of thousands of words of details about the company and the interviewers. However, the research that needs to be performed for an interview is nothing like that.

For an interview, you will need in-depth detail about the company and the position you are applying for. Candidates should have a clear understanding of the missions, initiatives and objectives of the company that they are giving an interview for as well as the responsibilities and commitments required of them in case they get selected for the job that they are applying for.

Research does not only mean scaping the Internet for answers. Another thing that you can do is talk to current employees or people who have successfully been selected for that job, as they can help you understand what impresses the interviewer for that job position and what does not. Getting proper interview skill training can equip you with the tools needed to do this research.

Having a follow-up with the interviewer 

You may think that your job is done once the interview is over. However, this is far from the truth. If you want a successful interview and be approached with a job offer, it is of the utmost importance to follow up with your interviewer.

Please wait for a certain amount of time, perhaps a few hours or until the next day, and send a follow-up email to the person who interviewed you to thank them for the opportunity and the conversation. Moreover, let them know that you are awaiting their timely response.

Something you should not do in the name of follow-up is to constantly badger the company with calls and spam-like emails to ask them for the interview results. This leaves a very bad impression on the interviewer and does the opposite of what a follow-up tries to achieve.

Focus on your end goal

Many interviewers will present you with certain trick questions that will leave you feeling confused and unsure about yourself. However, it is of the utmost importance not to lose your confidence and focus while answering any question.

Always remember why you are sitting for that interview in the first place. Even if you lack experience or certain qualifications that they require, do not get discouraged. Instead, turn that into a plus point for yourself. It has become increasingly important to get proper interview skills training and learn how to sell yourself and, by correlation, your qualifications.

Moreover, do not get distracted by adding flowery language to your conversation. You must have already done your part with that in your résumé. It is better to be succinct and to the point during the interview while answering questions. It is more important to present your experience to set you apart from the rest of the applicants rather than show your way with words.

End the interview positively 

Regardless of how the interview went, it is crucial to end the interview on a positive and enthusiastic note. Not only will this leave a positive and lasting impression on your interviewer, but it will also help you develop a positive outlook for the interview.

Always make sure to let them know how grateful you are for the opportunity and the conversation. Also, make sure to reinstate your interest in working for their company. This goes hand-in-hand with following up with an email at a later stage.

Even if your interview didn’t go well, this step could make a huge difference because it helps the interviewer realize how passionate you are about the job and your willingness to take the initiative. Moreover, if you make sure to leave on a positive note, chances are that the interviewer will be able to differentiate you from the countless other applicants they interviewed on that same date. In a way, this will serve as your unique point.


An interview can be a scary and stressful setting. Even the best of us fail to perform our best in such a high-pressure situation. However, if you want to stop limiting your potential and give your best in an interview, make sure to contact Orator Academy to get access to the best possible interview skill training . The experienced professionals here will be able to give you several interviewing tips that will help you land your dream job.

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