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How To Be a Better Communicator in Your Personal Relationships

Communication is a crucial element of every relationship you form. Effectively expressing your views forms the basis of trust and friendship. Expressing your feelings and resolving conflicts can be hard when you don’t know how to discuss some topics. Building connections is only possible through conversations.

Here are the eight main factors to keep in mind when you want to be a better communicator in your relationships and improve your bonds:

  • Express your views clearly

Good communication revolves around clear expression of thoughts and not masking them. Some topics can be hard to talk about, and you may prefer to put them off. It is, however, very crucial to talk about complex issues to maintain a happy connection with no misunderstandings crowding it.

Beating around the bush is not helpful when you mean to communicate something well. Sticking to the point and being respectful when you say it is crucial. Clear expression of your views will help you then focus on the other person’s emotions and help you build better connections based on mutual respect.

  • Pick up non-verbal cues

Not all emotions are communicated verbally by many people. It is essential to pay attention to the non-verbal cues the other person gives, including their expressions, tone and body language. This helps you grasp their feelings and lead the conversation in that direction.

This is best done with an interpersonal communication class. You can learn from body language experts who help you master the art of picking up cues quickly. You find significant progress as a communicator when you can decipher how the other person is feeling about a topic.

  • Be an active listener

More times than not, people turn a deaf ear towards the person talking to you. When you expect the other person to acknowledge your talking, it is only fair that you respect their time and pay attention to the point they are trying to get across to you. Active listening is a skill for life which helps you form connections.

In the early stages of a connection, the details you remember from conversations immediately translate to you caring about the relationship and help you quickly build a bond. You can use the conversations you have to learn more things about a person quickly and make better connections.

  • Focus on your feelings

While talking to people, it is essential to focus on how you feel about points of contention instead of placing blame on the other person. Talking about how you thought about the other person’s actions is the right way to go about a healthy conversation and not let it turn into an argument.

An interpersonal communication class focuses on conflict resolution and helps you understand how you can communicate without wasting the time set aside. Reaching a good point in a conversation demands empathy and patience, which you will learn from these classes.

  • Set aside time for conversations

We often forget to set aside time for all our relationships. Connections rely on frequent conversations and making time for people to catch up. Designating time for a relationship and not having distractions is an excellent first step towards improving your conversation skills.

Blocking some time allows you to not worry about your other commitments. Actively listening and only focusing on the conversation at hand automatically makes you a better communicator. The efforts you put in with this method are instantly noticeable and help you build stronger relationships with people.

  • Be respectful and kind

Maintaining empathy in your conversations is exceptionally vital. You have to remain kind and respect the emotions of the other person to have a healthy discussion. No matter how unrelatable the topic may seem, listening to your friend’s feelings helps build your relationship on the basis of trust.

You can join an interpersonal communication class to practice better manners and respectful behaviour if you have a hard time interfering without prejudice. Treating people as equals while having a conversation is a significant factor in the equations you share with other people, and you should focus on it.

  • Don’t form assumptions

The biggest mistake we make with friendships is assumptions about people. Simple speculation about how you thought your friend wouldn’t enjoy the event and your choosing not to invite them can influence their emotions to a great extent. Asking about any question that arises is a much better option.

When you communicate and ask, you are leaving the choice to your friend. Taking away that choice simply because you assumed their feeling about it could never lead to good things. It is crucial not to hold any notions in your relationships and consistently communicate to ensure you are on the same page.

  • Watch your tone and boundaries

It is common to get carried away and let passive aggression filter into the way you speak to your friends. The tone you use influences how you are perceived to a great extent. You should keep a constant check on your tone and express your emotions explicitly to avoid a conflict in the listener’s mind.

Setting boundaries and exploring what you derive out of a relationship is best done with the help of a professional course. Enrol in an interpersonal communication class to effectively work on your relationships. Having meaningful conversations is possible only when you are clear about your expectations from a connection.


Communication in your personal relationships forms the foundation of trust and reliability. It is important to talk regularly and express your views in any friendship to maintain the authentic connection you share with another person. Most people struggle with expressing their views clearly, picking up verbal cues, actively listening and focusing on personal feelings. It is vital to set time aside for conversations, be kind, not form assumptions and set boundaries for a healthy relationship.

Orator academy offers excellent interpersonal communication courses to help you develop this skill and excel in your relationships. Our experienced trainers help you learn at your own pace and see improvements in all your connections. So, what are you waiting for? Get in touch today!

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